Rationale for Vidzai Videos for Human Resource

Quickest way to ruin a HR interaction with an employee is to make her feel like she is just a number. Employees crave for personalized attention, and a personalized message at the key points in their journey with the organization goes a long way in keeping them engaged.
    Human Resource would wish to connect with the employees 1:1. The level of acceptance of differences of the employees in the organisation is increasing and so is the ability and the willingness of the organisation to personalise, these employee journeys. An employee’s journey from Hire to Retire, has aspects of personalization, interaction that a video can do justice with.


Personalized welcome message and on boarding kit
TA: New Employee joining the organization
    An onboarding video that welcomes, engages, provides information at different levels, but all contextual to the new person. Show the ‘human’ face of the organization and make the first impression of the employee joining the orgnaization unique and exciting.
    HR sends an on boarding welcome mail, which should contain a personalized video with welcome message from CIO/CEO followed by message from unit head (from the unit in which employee is allocated) and team manager (from the team to which the employee is allocated) welcoming the employee. Video would further provide information of the allocated unit and the team.
    Video can be interactive to make it easy to understand some key information and take employee’s acceptance of employee code of conduct within the organization.

Employee Benefits

    Reminders for timely enrollment to right benefits such as Health plans, personalization in context of Employee demograpy and organization need. Videos that show how the change in person’s life need will require him to go for coverages better than standard ones. All with peer data and employee’s data so that the message is consistent and data driven (x% of people in your department, chose to move from Silver to Gold plan last year).

Employee – Service Anniversaries

TA: Employee completing service anniversary with the organization
    HR sends an anniversary mail to employee (completing a particular milestone with the organization) with personalized video having customized details of the employee including her team manager’s wishes, certain aspects of employee’s growth in the organization with personalized pictures (through a timeline) and the road ahead.

Employee – FAQs

For Employee Queries
    Complex questions answered in a visual manner to simplify the concept, and put employee’s actual data to personalize and show how it applies to the person. Useful for compensation, benefits, retirement, leave entitlements, ESOP calculations etc.

Internal communication & Leadership Talk

    Personalized status updates concerning the company, the unit, and the team that the employee belongs to. Personalization is more important in today’s world of long duration work-from-home so that the employees do not lose touch with the larger sense of belonging to the company and the unit, while working day-to-day within the team.

Employee – Awareness & Compliance messages

    Employee receiving monthly security awareness, compliance training messages and other employee code of conduct related messages. HR team send a mail to employee with personalized video providing awareness to a specific security policy including a quiz at the end.


    Personalized messages to the job applicant, informing them about the position, skills required, what to expect in the interview, time, location and options to ask any questions they have. Follow up video with the current stage of clearance and insight into the next stage. A more informed candidate will consider this as a unique experience and one more reason to join the organization.